
Driving a 128×64 Graphic LCD with a Microcontroller: A Programming Guide

Application Note 3207 Driving a Graphic LCD with a Microcontroller Board In this application the hardware used, and firmware developed to drive a graphic LCD will be presented. The graphic LCD in this application note is the G126FLGFGS164T33XAR from Focus LCDs. The STM32F411RE-Nucleo from ST Microelectronics will be the microcontroller board for this project. The […]

Working with the E43RB1-FW405-C MIPI Display (Part 3)

Application Note 4223 This series of application notes will discuss the hardware and software requirements of driving the E43RB1-FW405-C MIPI DSI TFT Display with an STM32H747I-DISCO microcontroller board from ST Microelectronics. Driving a MIPI DSI display with a microcontroller presents a few challenges. The STM32H747 has the required bandwidth and I/O pins but lacks enough […]

Working with the E43RB1-FW405-C MIPI Display (Part 2)

Application Note 4222 This series of application notes will discuss the hardware and software requirements of driving the E43RB1-FW405-C MIPI DSI TFT Display with an STM32H747I-DISCO microcontroller board from ST Microelectronics. Driving a MIPI DSI display with a microcontroller presents a few challenges. The STM32H747 has the required bandwidth and I/O pins but lacks enough […]

Working with the E43RB1-FW405-C MIPI Display (Part 1)

Application Note 4221 This series of application notes will discuss the hardware and software requirements of driving the E43RB1-FW405-C MIPI DSI TFT Display with an STM32H747I-DISCO microcontroller board from ST Microelectronics. Driving a MIPI DSI display with a microcontroller presents a few challenges. The STM32H747 has the required bandwidth and I/O pins but lacks enough […]

Driving Multiplexed Segment LCDs SDAF102NCRN01

Driving a segment LCD using multiplexing reduces the number of pins required to turn on or off the segments of a display. This application note discusses what a segment display is and the driving method in detail. The SDAF102NCRN01, a 3V, 7-segment custom LCD is used as an example. 1. Segment Liquid Crystal Displays Segment LCDs are constructed using […]